Are you interested in becoming a Health Coach?

This Personalised Care Institute accredited 2-day Health Coaching programme has been designed by GPs and Educational specialists to provide the ideal learning environment for participants to learn coaching skills.

As clinicians, they are able to bring the learning to life, with real examples from their own practice and share experience of coaching in clinical and non-clinical settings.

Participants will leave equipped to use health coaching skills within and alongside the work that they are already doing. 

Objectives of the Programme:

Participants in this programme will feel confident, from Day 1, to start using coaching skills with their patients or clients. After Day 2, they will be skilled to use coaching and appropriate challenges to pursue the best possible outcomes for the patients/clients. 

Peak Health Coaching are running 2 cohorts of the 2-day (virtual) course.

You must be able to do both dates in the cohort you use.

Cohort 1:

Day 1: 6th October 2022

(09:30 - 16:30)

Day 2: 20th October 2022

(09:30 – 16:30)

Cohort 2:

Day 1: 3rd November 2022

(09:30 – 16.:30)

Day 2: 17th November 2022

(09:30 – 16:30) 

Please book your place on the 2-day Health Coaching course below:

Book here

Please book only one cohort.

There are also a small number of spaces for a 4-day version of this course - available for more in-depth knowledge and an opportunity to practice your learnt skills.

What to expect from the programme:


  • Understand why coaching approaches are so key to increasing a person’s knowledge, skills and confidence.
  • Be able to work with model as a framework for coaching conversations.
  • Be more confident, when and how to use coaching with people at different levels of activation.
  • Be more at ease managing people at lower levels of activation.
  • Start to consider how your team could work with different levels of activation – making best use of resources both clinical and social.


  • Appreciate your learning from day 1 and identify learning from this day and beyond.
  • Be familiar with a number of coaching models as a framework for coaching conversations and start to develop your own approach.
  • Go beyond “models” to consider concepts to integrate into practice.
  • Appreciate how to bring challenge with ease and coach with more confidence.
  • Reflect on where else to use coaching skills and make a plan to do it.

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