Helping People Help Themselves



This is a 4-day course that that is fully accredited by the NHS Personalised Care Institute (PCI) and aligns with the NHS Health and Wellbeing Coach Competency Framework. The course fulfils the minimum training requirement for health and wellbeing coaches working in the NHS, and participants also obtain an Advantage Level 4 accreditation in Health Coaching upon course completion.

Day 1

Introduction to coaching and personalised care

  • Further information:

    What is personalised care?

    Understand how people learn and think

    The difference between health coaching, mentoring and counselling 

    Principles of a coaching mindset to empower service users

    Structuring a conversation using a coaching approach and the opportunity to practice in a safe space

Day 2

Coaching skills and barriers to change

  • Further information:

    Barriers to change and key communication skills that build trust and rapport

    Effective questioning and listening skills

    An introduction to Transactional analysis and non-verbal communication

    Understand the need for sensitivity, confidentiality and contracting

    Coaching conversation practice in a safe and supportive environment

Day 3

Tools to support behaviour change

  • Further information:

    Understand the key tools that support behaviour change including MECC, COM-B and the 3A’s framework

    Conversation practice using behaviour change tools

    Decision imbalance tool 

    Asset based approach

    Understanding the stages of change

Day 4

The fundamentals of stress and change management

  • Further information:

    Change management tools

    Using a change management approach to identify potential barriers

    Stress management and the importance of looking after ourselves.

    Introduction to the SPACE model 

    Peer support, supervision, and community of practice

    Information and support on completing the portfolio

Self-directed learning

Introduction to Make Every Contact Count (MECC) and Motivational Interviewing

Completed between Day 2 and Day 3

Course costs


The cost of our course is in line with other providers on a per person basis. We can offer discounts for booking more than five places or for organisations that wish to run the course specifically for a team.

For face-to-face delivery, the course will cost £1,300 (excld. VAT) per person.

For virtual delivery, the course will cost £1,000 (excld. VAT) per person.

We do offer discounts for Buckinghamshire Health and Social Care Academy partners.

What next?


  • If you would like to book on a course
  • If you are looking for more information about health coaching
  • If you would like to discuss a tailored health coaching course for your organisation

Do you have a question? Would you like some more information?


Complete this Request for Information Form and the team will be able to answer any questions you might have, and pass along any additional information you may need.

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