The Student Volunteering Skills Record Project

Participant Information Sheet

We would like to invite you to take part in the research project named above. We are conducting this research to evaluate the Student Volunteering Skills record project. 

Before you decide to participate, please read the information sheet.

  • Part 1 tells you the purpose of the study and provides you with information about taking part.
  • Part 2 tells you what will happen if you decide to take part

Please take time to decide if you wish to take part or not. Participation is entirely voluntary.

Part 1

What is the purpose of the study?

This research aims to evaluate the Student Volunteering Skills Record project, specifically:

  • to understand the ‘work readiness’ skills students gain through volunteering
  • to identify shared priorities and barriers (and solutions) for involving students as volunteers in health and social care organisations; and
  • to identify options for wider application (for e.g. to other groups of people in addition to students, who might express an interest in volunteering) and implementation across multiple sectors (including digital, film & television, engineering, and construction). 


Why have I been invited to take part?

You have been invited to take part in this research because you are a student who has expressed an interest in, or has recently started, volunteering or you are the supervisor of a student who is volunteering as part of the Student Volunteering Skills Record project.


Do I have to take part? 

No. The participation is entirely voluntary. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part, you will be asked to provide consent.

If, however you decide to take part but later decide that you do not want to take part, you are free to withdraw without giving a reason. This will not affect you in any way. Data collected about you or your organisation will be removed from the project and securely destroyed.


What will I have to do?

Students will be asked to complete an online questionnaire at the start of their volunteering role to record what ‘work-readiness’ skills they have. They will be asked to complete this online questionnaire again after a period of at least two months of volunteering (3 hours per week average), to determine if these work-readiness skills have developed and grown through volunteering. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Volunteer supervisors will be asked to participate in a virtual interview. This will last approximately 30 minutes. We are interested in exploring the views and experiences of volunteer supervisors as it relates to involving a student as a volunteer in health and social care organisations and to understand generally where ‘work readiness’ skills might develop through volunteering (student volunteers will be kept anonymous and supervisors will not be asked to name or provide specific feedback on any student volunteers). 


Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?

Yes. All the information that we collect about you during the course of the research will be kept strictly confidential. You will not be able to be identified or identifiable in any reports or publications. Everything you say will be treated as confidential, unless the researcher is worried that there is a risk of harm to you or another young person, in which case they will inform the appropriate authority.

What will happen with the results of this study?

Results of the research will be shared and published. You will not be identified in any report or publication. If you wish to be given a copy of reports resulting from the research let us know. At the end of the research period, students will be provided a copy of their skills record, outlining what 'work-readiness' skills they had when starting to volunteer and how these might have changed as a result of volunteering.

How will information about me be stored?

All data we collect about you will be securely kept in a secure server in a password-protected file that only the research team will have access to. Analysed versions of the data as well as raw data will be dated and securely stored in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). This data will be destroyed no later than 2 years after the completion of the project and will be processed only for the purposes of this research. 

Can I complain if I am not satisfied from the progress of the interview?

Yes. If you are unhappy about the research, you can contact the lead researcher, Korinne Leney, or supervisor, Juliet Anderson.


Who has reviewed the study?

This study has been submitted to Restorative Justice for All Institute for ethical approval.

Part 2

What to do if I decide to take part?

Please make sure that you have read the information sheet carefully and you understand the purpose of the study, what will happen with the data you provide, and your rights.

If you do decide to take part in the research, you will be asked to provide consent. Students will be asked to provide their consent before completing the online questionnaire. Volunteer supervisors will be asked by the lead researcher, Korinne Leney, to read and sign a consent form, ahead of a virtual interview.

Thank you for taking time to read this sheet.

If there is anything unclear or if you wish for more information please contact the lead researcher, details below:

Korinne Leney

Programme Manager

Buckinghamshire Health & Social Care Academy

Volunteer Faculty Lead


Please click here if you require additional information on the Student Volunteering Skills Record pilot
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